
BlueBound Women Podcast / Episode #6: Interview with Sarah Blues, the plus size paddler

“A lot of kit stops at a UK size 16, which is the average size of a woman in the UK. So this stops at the average size, and a huge amount of women are excluded”.


This week we’re chatting with Sarah, otherwise known as the Plus Size Paddler on Instagram. Sarah is on a mission to give more visibility to diverse paddlers and has started up her own initiative PaddleKitHerWay (which we’ll talk about today)!


We talked about self-confidence, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, making kit more inclusive and the future of paddling.


We hope you enjoy this episode – and if you liked it, do share on to a friend who could find it useful! 🙂



P.S. Don’t forget that you can listen to our podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Radio Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

  • BlueBound Women is a global community of women who are bound together and connected by their love of the water, whether that be the ocean, sea or lake.